Attributes { HDFEOS { } HDFEOS_ADDITIONAL { } HDFEOS_ADDITIONAL_FILE_ATTRIBUTES { String AuthorAffiliation "UMBC/JCET"; String AuthorName "J.R. Herman, et al."; String DayNightFlag "Day"; Float64 EastBoundingCoordinate 180.00000000000000; String HDFVersion "5-1.8.3"; String LocalGranuleID "MSLERLSTL3d10_v01-02-2013m0701t213228.he5"; String LocalityValue "Global"; String LongName "Multi-Satellite Lambertian Equivalent Reflectivity (Local Satellite Time) 10-Day L3 Global 2.0x5.0deg Lat/Lon Grid"; Float64 NorthBoundingCoordinate 82.000000000000000; Int32 NumLats 90; Int32 NumLons 72; Int32 NumTimes 1188; String PGEVersion "0.0.7"; String ParameterName "Lambertian Equivalent Reflectivity (Local Satellite Time)"; String ProcessLevel "3"; String ProcessingCenter "OMI TLCF"; String ProductionDateTimeASCII "2013-06-26T12:00:00-0400"; String ProductionDateTimeHDF "2013-07-01T21:32:28-0400"; String RangeBeginningDate "1980-01-01"; String RangeBeginningTime "00:00:00.0"; String RangeEndingDate "2012-12-31"; String RangeEndingTime "23:59:59.9"; String ShortName "MSLERLSTL3d10"; Float64 SouthBoundingCoordinate -82.000000000000000; Float32 TimeSpacing 10.00000000; String TimeSpacingUnit "days"; String VersionID "1.02"; Float64 WestBoundingCoordinate -180.00000000000000; String identifier_product_doi "10.5067/MEASURES/MSLER/DATA303"; String identifier_product_doi_authority ""; String fullnamepath "/HDFEOS/ADDITIONAL/FILE_ATTRIBUTES"; } HDF5_GLOBAL { String Conventions "CF-1.0"; } HDFEOS_GRIDS { } HDFEOS_GRIDS_Lambertian_Equivalent_Reflectivity { Int32 GCTPProjectionCode 0; String GridOrigin "Center"; String GridSpacing "(5.00,2.00)"; String GridSpacingUnit "Degree"; String GridSpan "(-180,180,-90,90)"; String GridSpanUnit "Degree"; String Projection "Geographic"; String fullnamepath "/HDFEOS/GRIDS/Lambertian Equivalent Reflectivity"; } HDFEOS_GRIDS_Lambertian_Equivalent_Reflectivity_Data_Fields { } HDFEOS_INFORMATION { String HDFEOSVersion "HDFEOS_5.1.12"; String fullnamepath "/HDFEOS INFORMATION"; } LER340 { Float32 _FillValue -1.267650600e+30; String long_name "Lambertian Equivalent Reflectivity at 340 nm (Local Satellite Time)"; String units "%"; Float32 valid_range 0.000000000, 100.0000000; String description "The gridded average of Lambertian Equivalent Reflectivity at 340 nm at the local satellite time based on SBUV observations from multiple satellites."; String origname "LER340"; String fullnamepath "/HDFEOS/GRIDS/Lambertian Equivalent Reflectivity/Data Fields/LER340"; String orig_dimname_list "nTimes YDim XDim"; } Latitude { Float32 _FillValue -1.267650600e+30; String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; Float32 valid_range -90.00000000, 90.00000000; String description "The terrestrial latitudes at the centers of the grid cells. The values are in degrees north of the equator."; String origname "Latitude"; String fullnamepath "/HDFEOS/GRIDS/Lambertian Equivalent Reflectivity/Data Fields/Latitude"; String orig_dimname "YDim"; } Longitude { Float32 _FillValue -1.267650600e+30; String long_name "Longitude"; String units "degrees_east"; Float32 valid_range -180.0000000, 180.0000000; String description "The terrestrial longitudes at the centers of the grid cells. The values are in degrees east of the International Reference Meridian."; String origname "Longitude"; String fullnamepath "/HDFEOS/GRIDS/Lambertian Equivalent Reflectivity/Data Fields/Longitude"; String orig_dimname "XDim"; } Time { Float64 _FillValue -1.2676506002282294e+30; String long_name "Time of Observation (TAI93)"; String units "seconds since 1993-01-01"; Float64 valid_range -10000000000.000000, 10000000000.000000; String description "The TAI93 time (in continuous seconds since 12 a.m. UTC on January 1, 1993) of the start times of the observations."; String origname "Time"; String fullnamepath "/HDFEOS/GRIDS/Lambertian Equivalent Reflectivity/Data Fields/Time"; String orig_dimname "nTimes"; } UTCStartDayNumber { Int32 _FillValue -2147483647; String long_name "Days Since 1978-01-01"; String units "days since 1978-01-01"; Int32 valid_range 0, 12783; String description "The UTC day number of the start times of the observations. The values are in days since 1978-01-01."; String origname "UTCStartDayNumber"; String fullnamepath "/HDFEOS/GRIDS/Lambertian Equivalent Reflectivity/Data Fields/UTCStartDayNumber"; String orig_dimname "nTimes"; } UTCStartDayOfYear { Int32 _FillValue -2147483647; String long_name "Day of Year"; String units "1"; Int32 valid_range 1, 366; String description "The UTC day of year of the start times of the observations."; String origname "UTCStartDayOfYear"; String fullnamepath "/HDFEOS/GRIDS/Lambertian Equivalent Reflectivity/Data Fields/UTCStartDayOfYear"; String orig_dimname "nTimes"; } UTCStartYear { Int32 _FillValue -2147483647; String long_name "Year"; String units "1"; Int32 valid_range 1980, 2012; String description "The (four-digit) UTC year of the start times of the observations."; String origname "UTCStartYear"; String fullnamepath "/HDFEOS/GRIDS/Lambertian Equivalent Reflectivity/Data Fields/UTCStartYear"; String orig_dimname "nTimes"; } StructMetadata_0 { String origname "StructMetadata.0"; String fullnamepath "/HDFEOS INFORMATION/StructMetadata.0"; } XDim { String long_name "longitude"; String units "degrees_east"; String origname "XDim"; String fullnamepath "/HDFEOS/GRIDS/Lambertian Equivalent Reflectivity/XDim"; String orig_dimname "XDim"; } YDim { String long_name "latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String origname "YDim"; String fullnamepath "/HDFEOS/GRIDS/Lambertian Equivalent Reflectivity/YDim"; String orig_dimname "YDim"; } nTimes { Int32 valid_range 0, 12783; Float32 _FillValue -2147483647; String long_name "Days Since 1978-01-01"; String units "days since 1978-01-01"; String description "The UTC day number of the start times of the observations. The values are in days since 1978-01-01."; String origname "nTimes"; String fullnamepath "/HDFEOS/GRIDS/Lambertian Equivalent Reflectivity/nTimes"; String orig_dimname "nTimes"; } }