Dataset Information

Conventions: CF-1.5
GranuleID: GOZ-Source-MLP_HNO3_ev1-01_2008.nc4
ProductionDateTime: 2013-04-01T22:10:53.000000Z
identifier_product_DOI: 10.5067/MEASURES/GOZCARDS/DATA3008
Format: NetCDF-4
RangeBeginningDate: 2008-01-01
RangeBeginningTime: 00:00:00.000000Z
RangeEndingDate: 2008-12-31
RangeEndingTime: 23:59:59.999999Z
ContactPersonName: Lucien Froidevaux
ContactPersonRole: MEaSUREs GOZCARDS PI
ContactPersonAddress: 4800 Oak Grove Dr M/S 183-701, Pasadena, CA 91109
ObservationArea: Global
ProcessingDate: 2013-04-01
ProcessingCenter: Jet Propulsion Laboratory / California Institute of Technology
ProductGenerationAlgorithm: Zonal average quantities from original source datasets. See algorithm documentation at related MEaSUREs GOZCARDS website
ProductGenerationAlgorithmVersion: ev1.01
ProductReference: See algorithm documentation at related MEaSUREs GOZCARDS website
SouthBoundingCoordinate: -90.00000000
NorthBoundingCoordinate: 90.00000000
LatitudeResolution: 10.00000000
EastBoundingCoordinate: 180.0000000
WestBoundingCoordinate: -180.0000000
LongitudeResolution: 360.0000000
ShortName: GozSmlpHNO3
LongName: GOZCARDS Source Data for Nitric Acid Monthly Zonal Averages on a Geodetic Latitude and Pressure Grid
DataProduct: Nitric Acid
LatitudeType: Geodetic
LevelType: Pressure
TimeResolution: Monthly
History: 2013-04-01T22:10:53.000000Z : Initial file creation

Variables in this Dataset

ACE_FTS_lat_max: Array of 32 bit Reals [ACE_FTS_time = 0..11][ACE_FTS_lev = 0..24][ACE_FTS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Maximum Latitude from ACE-FTS
units: degrees_north
description: The maximum latitude of the usable data for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: lat_max
fullnamepath: /ACE-FTS/lat_max
ACE_FTS_std_error: Array of 32 bit Reals [ACE_FTS_time = 0..11][ACE_FTS_lev = 0..24][ACE_FTS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Standard Error from ACE-FTS
units: mol/mol
description: The standard error of the mean for each bin (equal to std_dev divided by the square root of nvalues)
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: std_error
fullnamepath: /ACE-FTS/std_error
ACE_FTS_lat_min: Array of 32 bit Reals [ACE_FTS_time = 0..11][ACE_FTS_lev = 0..24][ACE_FTS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Minimum Latitude from ACE-FTS
units: degrees_north
description: The minimum latitude of the usable data for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: lat_min
fullnamepath: /ACE-FTS/lat_min
ACE_FTS_lst_min: Array of 32 bit Reals [ACE_FTS_time = 0..11][ACE_FTS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Minimum Local Solar Time from ACE-FTS
units: hour
description: The minimum local solar time of the usable data for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: lst_min
fullnamepath: /ACE-FTS/lst_min
ACE_FTS_std_dev: Array of 32 bit Reals [ACE_FTS_time = 0..11][ACE_FTS_lev = 0..24][ACE_FTS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Standard Deviation from ACE-FTS
units: mol/mol
description: The standard deviation for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: std_dev
fullnamepath: /ACE-FTS/std_dev
ACE_FTS_lat_avg: Array of 32 bit Reals [ACE_FTS_time = 0..11][ACE_FTS_lev = 0..24][ACE_FTS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Average Latitude from ACE-FTS
units: degrees_north
description: The average latitude of the usable data for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: lat_avg
fullnamepath: /ACE-FTS/lat_avg
ACE_FTS_average: Array of 32 bit Reals [ACE_FTS_time = 0..11][ACE_FTS_lev = 0..24][ACE_FTS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Zonal Average from ACE-FTS
units: mol/mol
description: The zonal average for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: average
fullnamepath: /ACE-FTS/average
ACE_FTS_sza_avg: Array of 32 bit Reals [ACE_FTS_time = 0..11][ACE_FTS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Average Solar Zenith Angle from ACE-FTS
units: degrees
description: The average solar zenith angle of the usable data for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: sza_avg
fullnamepath: /ACE-FTS/sza_avg
ACE_FTS_sza_max: Array of 32 bit Reals [ACE_FTS_time = 0..11][ACE_FTS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Maximum Solar Zenith Angle from ACE-FTS
units: degrees
description: The maximum solar zenith angle of the usable data for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: sza_max
fullnamepath: /ACE-FTS/sza_max
ACE_FTS_rms_uncertainty: Array of 32 bit Reals [ACE_FTS_time = 0..11][ACE_FTS_lev = 0..24][ACE_FTS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid RMS Uncertainty from ACE-FTS
units: mol/mol
description: The root mean square uncertainty for each bin based on uncertainty/error supplied in original source dataset
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: rms_uncertainty
fullnamepath: /ACE-FTS/rms_uncertainty
ACE_FTS_minimum: Array of 32 bit Reals [ACE_FTS_time = 0..11][ACE_FTS_lev = 0..24][ACE_FTS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Minimum Value from ACE-FTS
units: mol/mol
description: The minimum usable data value for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: minimum
fullnamepath: /ACE-FTS/minimum
ACE_FTS_maximum: Array of 32 bit Reals [ACE_FTS_time = 0..11][ACE_FTS_lev = 0..24][ACE_FTS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Maximum Value from ACE-FTS
units: mol/mol
description: The maximum usable data value for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: maximum
fullnamepath: /ACE-FTS/maximum
ACE_FTS_sza_min: Array of 32 bit Reals [ACE_FTS_time = 0..11][ACE_FTS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Minimum Solar Zenith Angle from ACE-FTS
units: degrees
description: The minimum solar zenith angle of the usable data for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: sza_min
fullnamepath: /ACE-FTS/sza_min
ACE_FTS_days_used: Array of 16 bit Integers [ACE_FTS_time = 0..11][ACE_FTS_lev = 0..24][ACE_FTS_lat = 0..17][ACE_FTS_day_in_month = 0..30]
long_name: Nitric Acid Days Used in the Calculations of the Zonal Quantities from ACE-FTS
units: 1
description: Bitmask indicator for which days in the month have usable data for each bin (1 = used, 0 = not used)
_FillValue: 0
origname: days_used
fullnamepath: /ACE-FTS/days_used
ACE_FTS_lst_max: Array of 32 bit Reals [ACE_FTS_time = 0..11][ACE_FTS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Maximum Local Solar Time from ACE-FTS
units: hour
description: The maximum local solar time of the usable data for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: lst_max
fullnamepath: /ACE-FTS/lst_max
ACE_FTS_lst_avg: Array of 32 bit Reals [ACE_FTS_time = 0..11][ACE_FTS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Average Local Solar Time from ACE-FTS
units: hour
description: The average local solar time of the usable data for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: lst_avg
fullnamepath: /ACE-FTS/lst_avg
ACE_FTS_nvalues: Array of 32 bit Integers [ACE_FTS_time = 0..11][ACE_FTS_lev = 0..24][ACE_FTS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Number of Values from ACE-FTS
units: 1
description: The number of values used in the calculations of the zonal average quantities for each bin
_FillValue: -999
origname: nvalues
fullnamepath: /ACE-FTS/nvalues
Aura_MLS_lat_max: Array of 32 bit Reals [Aura_MLS_time = 0..11][Aura_MLS_lev = 0..24][Aura_MLS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Maximum Latitude from Aura MLS
units: degrees_north
description: The maximum latitude of the usable data for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: lat_max
fullnamepath: /Aura MLS/lat_max
Aura_MLS_std_error: Array of 32 bit Reals [Aura_MLS_time = 0..11][Aura_MLS_lev = 0..24][Aura_MLS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Standard Error from Aura MLS
units: mol/mol
description: The standard error of the mean for each bin (equal to std_dev divided by the square root of nvalues)
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: std_error
fullnamepath: /Aura MLS/std_error
Aura_MLS_lat_min: Array of 32 bit Reals [Aura_MLS_time = 0..11][Aura_MLS_lev = 0..24][Aura_MLS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Minimum Latitude from Aura MLS
units: degrees_north
description: The minimum latitude of the usable data for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: lat_min
fullnamepath: /Aura MLS/lat_min
Aura_MLS_lst_min: Array of 32 bit Reals [Aura_MLS_time = 0..11][Aura_MLS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Minimum Local Solar Time from Aura MLS
units: hour
description: The minimum local solar time of the usable data for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: lst_min
fullnamepath: /Aura MLS/lst_min
Aura_MLS_std_dev: Array of 32 bit Reals [Aura_MLS_time = 0..11][Aura_MLS_lev = 0..24][Aura_MLS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Standard Deviation from Aura MLS
units: mol/mol
description: The standard deviation for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: std_dev
fullnamepath: /Aura MLS/std_dev
Aura_MLS_lat_avg: Array of 32 bit Reals [Aura_MLS_time = 0..11][Aura_MLS_lev = 0..24][Aura_MLS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Average Latitude from Aura MLS
units: degrees_north
description: The average latitude of the usable data for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: lat_avg
fullnamepath: /Aura MLS/lat_avg
Aura_MLS_average: Array of 32 bit Reals [Aura_MLS_time = 0..11][Aura_MLS_lev = 0..24][Aura_MLS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Zonal Average from Aura MLS
units: mol/mol
description: The zonal average for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: average
fullnamepath: /Aura MLS/average
Aura_MLS_sza_avg: Array of 32 bit Reals [Aura_MLS_time = 0..11][Aura_MLS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Average Solar Zenith Angle from Aura MLS
units: degrees
description: The average solar zenith angle of the usable data for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: sza_avg
fullnamepath: /Aura MLS/sza_avg
Aura_MLS_sza_max: Array of 32 bit Reals [Aura_MLS_time = 0..11][Aura_MLS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Maximum Solar Zenith Angle from Aura MLS
units: degrees
description: The maximum solar zenith angle of the usable data for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: sza_max
fullnamepath: /Aura MLS/sza_max
Aura_MLS_rms_uncertainty: Array of 32 bit Reals [Aura_MLS_time = 0..11][Aura_MLS_lev = 0..24][Aura_MLS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid RMS Uncertainty from Aura MLS
units: mol/mol
description: The root mean square uncertainty for each bin based on uncertainty/error supplied in original source dataset
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: rms_uncertainty
fullnamepath: /Aura MLS/rms_uncertainty
Aura_MLS_minimum: Array of 32 bit Reals [Aura_MLS_time = 0..11][Aura_MLS_lev = 0..24][Aura_MLS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Minimum Value from Aura MLS
units: mol/mol
description: The minimum usable data value for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: minimum
fullnamepath: /Aura MLS/minimum
Aura_MLS_maximum: Array of 32 bit Reals [Aura_MLS_time = 0..11][Aura_MLS_lev = 0..24][Aura_MLS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Maximum Value from Aura MLS
units: mol/mol
description: The maximum usable data value for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: maximum
fullnamepath: /Aura MLS/maximum
Aura_MLS_sza_min: Array of 32 bit Reals [Aura_MLS_time = 0..11][Aura_MLS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Minimum Solar Zenith Angle from Aura MLS
units: degrees
description: The minimum solar zenith angle of the usable data for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: sza_min
fullnamepath: /Aura MLS/sza_min
Aura_MLS_days_used: Array of 16 bit Integers [Aura_MLS_time = 0..11][Aura_MLS_lev = 0..24][Aura_MLS_lat = 0..17][Aura_MLS_day_in_month = 0..30]
long_name: Nitric Acid Days Used in the Calculations of the Zonal Quantities from Aura MLS
units: 1
description: Bitmask indicator for which days in the month have usable data for each bin (1 = used, 0 = not used)
_FillValue: 0
origname: days_used
fullnamepath: /Aura MLS/days_used
Aura_MLS_lst_max: Array of 32 bit Reals [Aura_MLS_time = 0..11][Aura_MLS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Maximum Local Solar Time from Aura MLS
units: hour
description: The maximum local solar time of the usable data for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: lst_max
fullnamepath: /Aura MLS/lst_max
Aura_MLS_lst_avg: Array of 32 bit Reals [Aura_MLS_time = 0..11][Aura_MLS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Average Local Solar Time from Aura MLS
units: hour
description: The average local solar time of the usable data for each bin
_FillValue: -999.0000000
origname: lst_avg
fullnamepath: /Aura MLS/lst_avg
Aura_MLS_nvalues: Array of 32 bit Integers [Aura_MLS_time = 0..11][Aura_MLS_lev = 0..24][Aura_MLS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Nitric Acid Number of Values from Aura MLS
units: 1
description: The number of values used in the calculations of the zonal average quantities for each bin
_FillValue: -999
origname: nvalues
fullnamepath: /Aura MLS/nvalues
ACE_FTS_day_in_month: Array of 32 bit Integers [ACE_FTS_day_in_month = 0..30]
long_name: Day of the month
units: 1
description: Day of the month
origname: day_in_month
fullnamepath: /ACE-FTS/day_in_month
ACE_FTS_lat: Array of 32 bit Reals [ACE_FTS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Latitude
units: degrees_north
description: Center latitude
origname: lat
fullnamepath: /ACE-FTS/lat
ACE_FTS_lev: Array of 32 bit Reals [ACE_FTS_lev = 0..24]
long_name: Pressure
units: hPa
description: Value of vertical coordinate (Pressure)
origname: lev
fullnamepath: /ACE-FTS/lev
ACE_FTS_time: Array of 32 bit Integers [ACE_FTS_time = 0..11]
long_name: Time
units: days since 1950-01-01
description: Day number referenced to 15th day of the month
origname: time
fullnamepath: /ACE-FTS/time
Aura_MLS_day_in_month: Array of 32 bit Integers [Aura_MLS_day_in_month = 0..30]
long_name: Day of the month
units: 1
description: Day of the month
origname: day_in_month
fullnamepath: /Aura MLS/day_in_month
Aura_MLS_lat: Array of 32 bit Reals [Aura_MLS_lat = 0..17]
long_name: Latitude
units: degrees_north
description: Center latitude
origname: lat
fullnamepath: /Aura MLS/lat
Aura_MLS_lev: Array of 32 bit Reals [Aura_MLS_lev = 0..24]
long_name: Pressure
units: hPa
description: Value of vertical coordinate (Pressure)
origname: lev
fullnamepath: /Aura MLS/lev
Aura_MLS_time: Array of 32 bit Integers [Aura_MLS_time = 0..11]
long_name: Time
units: days since 1950-01-01
description: Day number referenced to 15th day of the month
origname: time
fullnamepath: /Aura MLS/time